Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The seasons of grief and Psalm 73

Recently, during the opening devotions of our church staff meting, one of our pastors read Psalm 73: 21-28, then asked us to rewrite it in our own words.  Not a translation, not an official paraphrase, but rather how this Psalm spoke to us.  A few staff chose to share their versions with us. As they read what they had written, each shared a different way that this passage had connected with them. What a beautiful reminder that the Word is alive!
For me, this passage spoke of my journey through the seasons of grief that I have been in and am still moving through: the anger, the pain, the comfort, the hope. Three years ago this month, my dad lost his wife of 30 years, the boys lost an amazing grandma and I lost my Mum, my step-mom, my third parent and one of my closest friends.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), grief is not a 5 point to-do list that we can check off and be done.  It must be named, looked at, handled, wrestled with, walked with, sometimes even danced with. And it must be surrendered to the One who brings healing and peace. To the One who never leaves us even in the darkest nights and deepest valleys. To the One who is our hope.
This is how the Word spoke to me through Psalm 73:21-28.

Lord, my sorrow is evident and my grief is just below the surface.
I lash out in my pain and anger at those around me
And turn my back to You
But You remain faithful
You do not let me go
You speak your words of comfort and correction
My home will always be with You
Lord, what do I have but You?
Nothing I have is forever
Except You and your great love
My body will break down and I will pass from this earth
But I will always be with You
And You with me
Lord there are those who seek and embrace evil.
They are not of You, even though You call to them
But Lord You are my sanctuary, all I need
I will praise you with my life.

May the Word work in our hearts and minds today and everyday.

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